Summer is officially here! Kids are out of school (or almost out of school) and home from college. The weather is getting warmer, and most states are opened up and people are starting to socialize again. Although it is all good, especially after last year, it is an adjustment and sometimes the change in season […]
Category Archives: Wellness
What’s the difference between a raisin and a grape?
SO, what is the difference between a raisin and a grape? WATER! You wouldn’t think I’d need to come up with ten reasons why you should drink water (your body is over 60% water – wouldn’t that be reason enough?), but having personally been someone who lived off of Diet Coke for decades, I know […]
HIDE THE VEGGIES: Your secret weapon to weight loss!
We all know that eating more plants is rule number one for “eating better.” But what if you are a veggie-phobe? Eating four servings of vegetables a day can be crazy challenging if you’re a grab-and-go eater, a poor planner, or deathly afraid of all things green. The solution- Hide the Veggies! Even when you know […]
5 Tips For Eating Healthy In A Time Crunch
The most common excuse I hear for not eating healthy or exercising is, “I don’t have time.” I getit, you’re busy, but guess what? So are your fit and healthy co-workers, neighbors, relatives, andfriends. And by the way, there’s nothing “more special” or “unique” about them that magically grants themtime to exercise and cook a […]
10 Tips for Mindful Eating for Easier Weight Loss
Mindful eating is a powerful thing! Unfortunately, mindless eating is the norm. We’ve all done it … eaten something on the run without taking the time to enjoy it or even consciously realize that we are eating. Have you ever eaten an entire tub of ice cream while sitting in front of the tv […]
7 Simple Ways to Eat Healthier Today!
Eating Healthier is easier than you think with these 7 simple steps! We are creatures of habit whether those habits are healthy or unhealthy, and these 7 simple ways can jump-start healthier habits today! Even when you record your food in an effort to eat better, you’ll find that you basically eat the […]
Scheduling Your Habits Makes For Daily Success
Starting at 6:30 in the morning, the scratching starts at my bedroom door. After a few minutes, someone gets up and heads to the kitchen with 4 fur kids in tow. The cats are hungry and have an established routine/habit of eating between 6:30 and 7 every morning. After breakfast, they usually head off to […]
5 Steps to Building Healthy Habits
We are creatures of routines or Habits! I bet you woke this morning, hit the bathroom, took a shower, brushed your teeth, got dressed – pants on first, then shirt, then socks and shoes, got you morning caffeine and drove to work the same way you did yesterday and the day before. You have a […]
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